- Woot!!! :) I so happy! I quit my job at Victoia's
Secret and now I'm workin at Be Bop full time YAY!!!!! I haven't really been doin much but
workin and hangin out with the hottest, sweetest, greatest guy. He's such a cutey!
I could eat him up lol Hopefully we'll be goin out soon :) I'm
giddy like a lil school girl now lol :)
- again....... my lazi ass hasn't posted in a while and
DIZAMN!!!!!! sooooooo much shit has happened! OK hrmm... where the fuk do I
start???!?!?! May 23rd HARD ROCK & METAL FEST!!! that show
kicked major ass!!! to look at pics check out http://rawk.20m.com
I'm also planning on doin more shows but I'll talk about that later.
May 31 - Fear Factory featuring Spineshank, No One, and Dry Kill Logic Can I just
say kick ass muther fukking show!!!!! I got to meet Jonny Santos after the show and
also the lead singer, Murk, of No One :) and the bassist of FF handed me his
pic!! :) and I got hugs galore from all the cuties in the bands :) I
felt so loved! Then after that.... I GOT A JOB!! yes me.. Sumati Shaw got a
job (other than the slacker website job that is lol) I'm workin at Victoria's
Secret and Be Bop record shop!!! :) Both are cool jobs except I have to dress
up at Victoria's Secret.. but I do get discounts on some cute undies lol :)
Then the latest.. this happened just 2 weeee hrs ago!!!!! I went to the coolest fukking
most energetic crazy assed show ever!! and it wasnt in New Orleans It was in
some lil venue out in the boonies but listen to the lineup!!!!! SPINESHANK...
CHIMAIRA... SWITCHED... NO ONE... ILL NINO... PLUGG!!! I had a great time and
my cousin who's into gangsta rap even enjoyed himself... he even moshed
lol And I got the HOTTEST guy's email address!!! The guitarist from
Switched, Brad he he :) He's a cutey. I also got a pic with him
and a pic with the cute guy in No One (the guitarist, B-Larz) :) Ooooh!! and on the
way home I saw the coolest moon it was all red like a blood moon, but I dont
think it's the right date for the blood moon.. anyways it was all normal by the time
I got home so I couldnt snap a pic of it :( but.. it's like 3 in the mornin
now and I'm all sore from the concert AND I have to work tomorrow at 12 so
I'll end this lil entry :P
lookie lookie!! tis me
and Jonny! He was a really cool person to meet & their performance was
awesome!!!! (he's kinda cute too lol)
And here I am with Murk from No One at the House of Blues in
N'awlins! Cool pick even tho' I look like a gimp lol :P
Brad from Sw1tched!! He's cute,
he's sweet, he's talented, & he's cool as fuck... what more do you want? lol
 Lookie it's B-Larz! He plays in
the band called No One that kicks major ass!! and the cd comes out next tues so u better
fukkin buy it! Also check them out if they come to a town near you They throw
OMG!!! I haven't posted an entry here in a loooonnngggg time!!!
Well anyhooo Final's week is now over for me. I'm packing up all my shit and
heading back home for the summer :P AND I GET A JOB!!!
Yes, me, slacker of all time gets a J - O - B! Hopefully I'll be working at the
Underground in Jackson (come visit me & talk about monkees!) if not I'll bugg
the crap out of the peeps and Bebop and Music-Go-Round to hire me! Wish me luck on
my job ventures :) OOOOOHH!!!! and the Hard Rock and
Metal Show is coming soon i mean SOON!!! I cant wait!!!! It's exactly 2
weeks from todee!! YAY! Emulsiphier were wusses and dropped out... but we replaced
them with a hopefully kick ass metal band from the coast called No Remorse (everytime i
hear that name I think Atari Teenage Riot he he) Anyways the show looks like
it will kick ass and have a good turn out (crosses fingers) We NEED a good
turnout!!!! Don't wanna be bankrupt :P Oh and another
thing............ I'm getting braids again!!!!! not telling you the colors,
but its wild.. its crazy.. its... its... in the words on Mike at Immortal Records.... its
RADI-COOL!!! (I am the radiskull and i will kill you one by one!!! check out
Radiskull and Devil Doll on www.shockwave.com)
Woot Woot!! We have the show all set and the venue all set and
everything's al set YAY!!! My sisters and my neices came this weekend and I got to
see my great neice, Carson!!! She's so cute! Then Sat me and my othe neice, Arathi,
went to U-pub to see bands and dance and low and behold I see the Ditch crew, Jared, Brian
and Micheal! I love goin to places and seein peeps I know :) It was very cool!
Check out the site about the show if you haven't already http://rawk.20m.com.
This week was awesome!! I went to se SEPULTURA wednesday! It kicked much ass!
Flybanger and Hatebreed opened for them (puya was supposed to, but they didn't :( OOOOOHHH!!!! and get this! We got to hang out with
Flybanger after the concert! Those guys are SOOO fukking cool. (and two of them hit
on jenni awww and one of the two hit on neil awwwwwwww LOL) We all
just hung out in the French Quarter and on Bourbon St. We went to dif clubs and
schtuff :) Very very cool yea! THEN on thursdee I
went to see SOULFLY and Nothingface (oh morbid angel & pantara were there, but well
i dont really care for them so :P) My free
tickets fell through :( but nice people helped me pay
for me ticket and I got to go :) and now i am sore from
the hectic great loud crowded ass crowd in the pit :P
Woot Woot!! I'm back!!! My B-DAY went great! Hung
out with me friends and my rents bought me a car!!!!!! WOOOO!!!!! I also go free
tickets to see Sepultura and Puya with my street team next week!!! :) I so
hap-hap-happy! OOHH!! and all you Dog Fashion Disco Fans.. check in the liner
notes.. keep looking.. look further..and BAM there's my name! How cool is that? BOO
OMG!!! I did an interview with Jason Miller from Godhead
yesterday!!! I totally sucked ass at it, but it was so cool!!!!!!!!!! I actually got
to speak to him :) When I get the interview all edited
and stuff I'll post a link! but I so happy that was my first little interview.
OOOHH!! and next week is Spring Break and my b-day, so you prob aren't gonna hear
from me til after then. Oh, and It's not too late to go out there and get me a b-day
present! Belated presents are fine too! LOL Gah gah gah me so
happy! :)
YEA!!!! Rock on!!!! WOOOO!!!! I've had a good week! Lotsa
partyin lotsa fun! :) I saw some somewhat cool metal
bands last weekend and i got to chill with some friends (old & new) this weekend and
that rocked too :) thanks to all the guys that emailed me
and/or messaged me ya'll made me regain some hope in guys. If there are some
out there that actually care and don't even know me.. well that's just pretty cool
& at least i know some people visit my sorry lil site :)
yea yea... ya know what?? guys suck ass! all of 'em... if
they're gay then they suck ass 2 dif ways lol but in general... yup. Why
can't i find a guy that likes monogomy? I'm cute, right? I seem like a sorta
kinda cool person, right? then why the hell is it so hard for me to find a cool,
cute, metal/hard rock lovin guy that will love me (and only me) back? WHY?!?!?!?!?
Mississippi sucks! no good guys here.. only players, losers, geeks, and
rejects. If you are a cool guy that fits my lil description and u wanna move to MS
or take me out of this hell whole, email me or IM me or contact me some kinda way, b/c
I've just lost all hope. I'm going to be single until I move outta MS and find a
GOOD man.. i can't deal with this shit down here... my heart's too fragile.
i'm too fragile.
I wrote some poems today they are kinda scary, but that was what
I was feeling at the time. I'm just an insane lil chika that's been goin through
more than she can handle right now.. read the poems here if you
wish. NOTE: I'm not always this spastic, needy, and suicidal.... I've just
been under a lot of fukking stress lately and poetry and art are my only non-violent
outlets. but... on a lighter note! :) me and the sheep have
regained a sense of friendship again!
I've been goin through a buncha freakin personal shit this week
and I'm just lettin the bitches go... (i.e. a certain sheep!) He can do what
he wishes... I just hate losing friends... especially ones that I've been friends
with for a long time... but I shall deal and go on with my life! I'm meeting
new people that are closer to my personality anyway :)
AHHH!! no more braids! I got fed up and took 'em out todee.
I'm back o my somewhat normal self. :)
I've had loads of fun this week. Met a cute guy :)
Went to a cool weird goth club :) and I've been
hyper and happy all week!! WOOO! HOOO! WOOO! :)
Middle of the week!!! WOOO! I might possibly be able to go
see A Perfect Circle for FREE!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I so happy!!!! plus I got my pants I ordered
from Zapfashion yesterday! can you say PHAT!?!?! and they sent me lotsa goodies and
candy so I got all hyper!!!!!!! WOOO!!
YAY!!!!!!!! I'm a DJ for the campus station!!! I
sucked ass, but it was my first time :) It was really
cool and fun!!! So... If ur in Hattiesburg, MS anytime.. tune in on Tuesdees at
11:00pm - 2:00am to hear me and my friend, Jenni, DJ!!! YEA!
Okee... Life doesn't suck so much anymore :)
If you know me personally You know what went down.. if not.. lets just say
I'm single now! *hint hint* to all you fine guys out there :)
Life sucks!
YEA! I'm back! I got a funky new hair
style, new threads, and I'm feelin great! I started Spring classes today & I
LOVE my schedule! :) I also checked my campus mail,
& I got a cool suprise from Electra Records. What the hell is it? It' s
record case for Pantara's "Reinventing the Steel" It's pretty cool.
I have no idea who sent it to me & why I recieved it, but I'm happy!
Hrmm... haven't updated this page in a while... & I wont be
for a while too.. :P Exams are this week and then
there's winter break.. so I'll see ya'll after then. MERRY CHRISTMAS! HAPPY
Today was just boring.. Nothin' to do.. went to class and that
was about it. I also went to the mall (ooh so much fun lol :P)
I can't think of anything to get my boyfriend :(
If anyone you peeps out there think of anything email
me and give me some freagin ideas!!!!!
Rain... again...... BLAH! nothing interesting today...
just class.. lunch.. rain... stayin online all night.. sleep... Fun huh? :P
Now kids, here's the lessen for today ;) Don't use
the words fud, u, b, & ima b/c they are the words used by a cult called AOL SPEAK. My
boyfriend warned me of this & I am here to spread the word! If you use these
words your fingers will rot and fall off... eventually. It may take a few years,
day, minutes, or it may even happen after you are dead. However it happens.. It
happened b/c you used AOL SPEAK.. You are Warned!! lol ;)
Today was okay....... I got a lil home sick.. :( BUT I'll be home on Fri so it'll be all
fine-n-dandy! Mah friend Jennifer was a
dinner! She spilled BOTH of her drinks on the table and everyone laughed! HA HA!
(except moi! b/c that would be mean) Neil (her boyfriend a.k.a. sheepgoat)
just sat there and laughed while she cleaned the whole thing up by herself. :( aww BAD NEIL!
It was sunny today!! *YAY* I so happy! :) I went to my CSC lab and finished in like 45 mins!! Then I
had a bio test that I think I did well on.. Then VR (virtual
reality) class was cool. The teacher liked my VR world :)
Well.. this is the first day of my new lil website!!! nothing
much is goin' on. Justin, my boyfriend got outta the hospital Fri *YAY*
:) I got to spend all weekend with him! I was so
happy! the medicine made him a lil crazy during the week. That was fun :)
It's all rainy and dreary today.. BLAH! I hope the weather
clears up soon. It's bad enough that it's cold..now it's wet and cold :( cold = bad cold+rain = VERY BAD
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